FabFilter User Forum

Virus scanner reports threat when installing the latest versions.

Virus scanner reports threat when installing the latest versions.

When installing/(updating to) the latest (june 2023) versions my virus software (Norton) warns for a possible threat with high risk and removes uninst.exe witch seems to contain the possible threat.
To be more specific:
Bestandsnaam: Uninst.exe
Naam van bedreiging: Heur.AdvML.LVolledig pad: C:\Program Files\FabFilter\Pro-C 2\Uninst.exe

Bedreigingstype: Heuristisch virus. Detectie van een bedreiging gebaseerd op malware-heuristiek.

Also for:
Volledig pad: C:\Program Files\FabFilter\Pro-MB\Uninst.exe

Bestandsnaam: Uninst.exe
Naam van bedreiging: Heur.AdvML.CVolledig pad: C:\Program Files\FabFilter\Pro-L 2\Uninst.exe

Bedreigingstype: Heuristisch virus. Detectie van een bedreiging gebaseerd op malware-heuristiek.

Also for:
Volledig pad: C:\Program Files\FabFilter\Pro-Q 3\Uninst.exe

The plugins are installed (VST3) and seem to function (as far as I could see ‘till now) and I don’t think that there would be a real threat (since I’ve downloaded the files directly from the Fabfilter site and scanned them after downloading [no threat reported at that moment]). But installing paid software and getting a virus warning just isn’t that nice. And I don’t if uninstalling will give some problems. So could you please fix this Fabfilter?


The scan was done with the latest version of Nortons virus definitions


That's very strange. I can ensure you nothing is wrong with the installer; we'll report this as a false positive at Norton and it would be great if you could report it too. Thanks!

Floris (FabFilter)

Hi Floris,

Thanks for you reply.
One question, since Norton removed the unist executable, could this give problems when trying to uninstall the plugins (not that I intend to any time soon) somewhere in the future?
Or can I install the plugin again (over the current version) when the false positive issue is resolved. Will that fix the removed uninst file?

How should I go about this?



Hi Harald,

You should still be able to uninstall the plug-ins via the control panel. Or if that does not work anymore you can always delete the plug-ins manually.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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