FabFilter User Forum

Saturn 2 oversaturated analyzer by default.

First of all, I would like to thank you for what you have done for the audio community over the years.

There is a feature that I have always wished to exist at saturn 2, which the oversaturated anlayzer or theme by default. Like the one in Saturn 1. I wish if there a way to bring it back because it will be a great bonus to the already powerful plugin.

Thank in advance.


Is this like a graphic display which shows the harmonics being applied through the saturation or sth else. Because I like the idea to visual see which harmonics I'm adding to the signal with Saturn :)


Hi Marco

The amount of extra harmonics in Saturn 2 increases the red color in the display itself. But for some reason, I like the Saturn 1 look, where the display by default has more saturation at the red color itself :)

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