FabFilter User Forum

PRO Q3 error when EQ matching

When using the eq match function on Q3 I'm getting these crazy high lines either end of the spectrum, see link to pic attached. The high end and low end seem to go off the charts


I know the thick white line is supposed to average out and give the match but if you look at the fainter red and white eqs in the centre, which are my source and goal tone eq lines they dont have these high lines. No videos I see on eq matching has this either

I am using logic pro and I sidechain PRO Q3 from my source track to my goal tone and record that first eq but as soon as I do the same on my source tone these crazy lines appear. Does anyone know what could be causing this or has had this issue before?

To make sure of no interference from Q3 maybe picking up on other audio in my project I do this with only the two tracks in a new project but same result and have tried different audio files too.

Any help much appreciated.

Paul King

Hi Paul,

Note that the spectrum graphs (the thin white and red lines) use the spectrum range which is set to 120 dB. The thick white resulting curve uses the regular range (12 dB). It looks to me that the input and reference spectrums are about 20 dB apart in the low range so it makes sense that the resulting curve tries to adjust them +20 dB which is beyond the 12 dB range. You can set the normal range to 30 dB instead to get a better overview of the resulting match curve.


Frederik (FabFilter)
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