FabFilter User Forum

Pro-MB2 pls?

I've been huge fan of Pro-MB, it's actually one plugin I simply cannot replace with any other plugin from competitors (mostly ease of use, good workflow and good ui, and thanks to low latencies it has, good for real-time use too)

That said, I would more than welcome MB2 ASAP. There's 2 things in particular that strikes to me that could be cool to have

Higher gate range (current I think is -30dB? but ideal would be closer to -100dB or something). There are some other multi-gates on market with higher range, but they don't have the benefit of MB's low latency.

Per-Band FET/Opto/Vari-Mu/VCA selector. Naturally there will be some whom would like these to have some of analog vibe (saturation or something), but personally I'm more interested how different modes would have different effect on "speed", as in attack and release, and their compression behaviour in general. It would be very unique to have different compression behaviour in low range, and then something different in high range for example.

These two features would be great addition to have on new iteration of MB.


Thanks for the feedback!


Frederik (FabFilter)

I'd pay 100 more for just the ability to split the bands out to different channels like you can with the Avid Multiband Dynamics plugin. I would also pay for a separate plugin that would do that. A lot of times I don't need compression, but I want to effect different bands with weird plugins, and being able to separate and send out to different buses would be epic! I hate Avid and just don't want to spend any more money with them, especially 300 for a dynamics tool when I already have a better one in Pro MB.

Matthew Jaggers

i´d love to see the pro-mb 2 be able to do what proaudiodsp DSM v3 can do.

Analyze the dynamic profile of a sample/song and put that on an audio track.

i found no way to replace this plugin with fabfilter plugins.

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