FabFilter User Forum

Few Suggestions

Hi, I hope you're well. I'm writing to make a few suggestions on how I believe Pro-Q 3 can be improved. Please keep in mind I am not a Fabfilter customer - I've never spent money with you - but I did win a free creative bundle so this is my way of paying back.

Firstly, your twitter account was happy to like my comment when I said something positive about Pro-Q 3 but not when I offered constructive feedback. Now I'm definitely not buying a license. Plus when I sent an email about a Twin 2 issue, I received no response. Personally this is a huge turn off. I know Fabfilter is one of the darlings of the plugin world but, frankly, I don't see why.

About Pro-Q 3: the phase invert knob should be called polarity invert. For a company who puts out techy Dan Worrall tutorials, I expect that you use correct terms.

But semantic issues aside, while it's nice that your HPF and LPF can be resonant, the control box that hovers over the node moves when going from 6dB/oct and Brickwall slopes. I know it's because they're not resonant but it's clunky to have that info box moving like that, up and down, and not staying at the unity line.

Another suggestion is that the whole Scale function with the popup slider being L-R and the bottom toolbar value for that field be U-D and then having the popup come up is just annoying. A big minus of the Fabfilter interface for me is too many popups. I know that when used correctly it helps keep the interface minimal but I think you all go too far. But about the UD/LR dichotomy, why not just have Up AND Right be 'increase' while Down AND Left be 'decrease'?

Penultimately, your Analyzer popup menu and those of the Latency/Phase and MIDI menus do not match. It comes off as janky and half-finished.

Lastly, I'm dismayed to find that I can't adjust the GUI colors at all. While I understand the desire to protect your brand and that Pro-Q 3 has a distinctive (some might say iconic) look, a few carefully-tuned options for the GUI would be something I'd welcome.

I'm a Melda user and while I don't think their plugins are perfect (that's why I'm here) for everyone raving about Pro-Q 3, I guess I just expected something better. This isn't a personal attack so no need for hard feelings but when support is unresponsive and the slick interface is so slick that I slide right off, it's not a way to get this fish to bite.

Hopefully this helps, I'll look out for Pro-Q 4. Thanks.

Michael Carrillo

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your feedback. It's always appreciated to hear detailed thoughts on our products.

I just searched for an email coming from your email address, but I was unable to find one. When did you email us about Twin 2?


Ralph (FabFilter)

I didn't think any of these suggestions were worth a free creative bundle, but hey, I'm a paying customer! Lol. Feel free to remove this if youd like, just thought a light troll was appropriate.

Matthew Jaggers
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