FabFilter User Forum

Pop and Click Removal VST

I would love to see FabFilter develop a vinyl restoration filter for removing pops and clicks from records. I do a lot of work with vinyl in addition to my other audio work. I already own the FabFilter EQ and Peak Limiter and am mulling over a few more VSTs to add to my arsenal.

While I think there are a number of click and pop removal VSTs available most of them aren't very good. My go to tool was Click Repair, but it doesn't support sampling rates over 192KHz and I believe the developer passed away a few years ago.

Jerome Saliga

Hi Jerome,

Thanks for reaching out. Although we might do a noise reduction plug-in in the future, I don't think we'll ever go into much detail and flexibility as iZotope offers. Have you ever looked into their RX plug-in suite?

Maarten (FabFilter)
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