FabFilter User Forum

Request Offline Oversampling Option

As a long-time user of your plugins, I have been impressed with the quality and flexibility of your products. One feature that I find particularly useful is oversampling, as it helps me avoid aliasing, especially with Saturn 2, Volcano 2, and Pro-MB.

However, when working on large projects with many instances of your plugins, enabling oversampling can become a time-consuming process. It requires oversampling each plugin individually and I always fear to oversee instances in that process. Another thing is that after applying oversampling it's hard to make any changes in the project if I want to. So I have to manually remove the oversampling of some instances again to do the needed changes and oversample again when exporting.

Recently, I came across a feature in the Soothe 2 plugin from oeksound that allows setting a different oversampling rate for real-time processing and offline-rendering. Furthermore you have the option to copy the settings of one instance to all other instances in your project. This feature is very convenient. No more need for oversampling each instance individually

I was wondering if you could consider implementing a similar feature in your plugins in a future update? Even only the option to set a specific offline oversampling rate would be very useful already.

In general this could help many users who face similar issues when working on large projects.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.


I second that, separate oversampling settings for real-time processing and offline bouncing would be great to have, as would the option to set oversampling globally for all instances of the same plugin.


This would be very helpful, +1. I use lots of FF plugins on my mixes and often have to disable oversampling when mixes get complicated and taxing on the CPU, so I end up having to re-enable it while bouncing. Back and forth like this a few times when mix revisions are necessary.


I agree! Separate oversampling settings for real-time processing and offline bouncing, along with the ability to copy settings across instances, would be highly beneficial :)


Would be a fantastic enhancement.

I also have plenty of big ableton projects with chains and subchains.I always fear to forget an instance I have to oversample because it runs in parallel haha.

Luna S.

Hi all! We've heard your request and will investigate. We've always felt that you need to listen to what your end result will be in terms of oversampling. Simply turning all oversampling for all plug-ins is not always the best option. However, we do understand the benefit to enable this globally.

Ralph (FabFilter)

@Ralph yes I can agree with that. For example, I don't think it would make sense to introduce something like this for the Pro Q, where you can set all instances to maximum linear phase mode with one click, because I personally find the pre-ringing very annoying with the drums but not with certain instruments.

With other plugins like Saturn or Volcano I actually always use oversampling when I export it at the end, because it has never been worse in the end result with than without.

I think it's especially helpful for people who work a lot with parallel processing. There it is then nevertheless helpful also for Pro MB or Pro C then to have the oversampling copy instance option.

Luna S.

A small addition that still occurred to me.

Apart from the idea of the "copy rendering settings to all instances" function, the option to specify an offline rendering quality is already promising enough.

Then you can try out some oversample settings in real-time in your daw but then set them for the offline oversample rendering, to then return to the conventional settings in realtime mixing to save certain CPU resources.

Another example for this that comes to mind is Gullfoss by Soundtheory, where you can select exactly this in the menu.

Luna S.

We get the advantages, and will definitely take a look at this in the future.

Please note that linear phase processing might make a big difference when using parallel processing, but oversampling a lot less.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Thanks! <3


Online and offline alone would be great for me.

I do not need to set all instances with one click, but I would love to set up my session with Q3 in Natural Phase everywhere and offline Liner Phase - High for the master, vocals and some parallel processing.

All C2, DS - no oversampling online and 4x offline, etc.


I'd love offline oversampling settings for all the FabFilter plugins as well. I don't necessarily need the option to globally update that across all plugins in a project, as I could just dial in the offline settings I personally prefer, and save that as the default version of Saturn, Pro-MB, Pro-L2, etc. that loads in for all instances going forward.

Just giving us the option to set higher oversampling rates for offline rendering once sets us up for a lot of long-term improvement, as it not only CPU in real-time audio editing, but just time in general from having to toggle settings up and down every time we want to render a project to test the mix outside the DAW.

I just picked up Venn-Audio V-Clip which has this feature, and didn't realize how much I wanted it in other plugins, and there's no plugins I use more than FabFilter, so this would be awesome.


Typo in last post. *as it not only saves CPU in real-time audio editing*



True after your explanation I don't see the absolute necessary to implement a global copy to all instances. Great idea to just save it as a preset ;)

If you could also choose to use higher linear phase mode that would be awesome too. So for example real time (linear phase low) but offline-rendering (linear phase -very high).


Newer2ff chiming in. I too export at 8x and create at 4x and Natural phase.

I learn quite a bit from witnessing these discussions.

I'm retooling to gain fullness and glue, but I'm noticing latency is affecting my vocal delivery. That's my problem to overcome ultimately, but a little more detail on how users minimize latency would surely be a help, if anyone wants to share such information.

I only have Q3 and L2 and I often return to these areas of the manuals to glean insight.

It's my understanding that these plugins can exceed 0dbfs without distortion and I believe dbtp process adds none as well. Is this correct?

If so, other plugins like UA Oxide Tape may absorb the (near 0) peaks. I'll find out soon enough, but I'll also seek to learn from other's experience as well.


James (Shall) Hall

PS I realize that if you ask four engineers the same question you'll receive five opinions.

I'm not prying into 'secret sauce' just generalities to shape my approach.

James (Shall) Hall


The latency issue would be fixed when setting the oversampled modes only for offline Rendering of course. Often I get a lot of latency bc of using Lookahead mode but I don't think that makes sense to automate for offline Rendering cause it influences the way you would dial in the fx in Realtime.


Thank you @Marco

Yes, I have over sampling off, a look ahead of o.2ms, analysis off Transparent mode and tp off for my track chains (first plugin ahead of tape).

It seems to introduce little to no latency there and the latency on the master track with just analysis off, Transparent mode and the manual suggestion of 4x and tp on is more like a slight delay effect (easily tolerable). Then I export at 8x and I might try Modern mode and give it a listen.

James (Shall) Hall

This would be great.
A lot of Plugins do already have it (e.g. U-He, Oeksound, Kazrog, SIR Audio,...) and this is for me in a meanwhile a buying criteria for Saturators, Compressors & Limiters.
I understand to say "You should get what you hear. Real Time = Offline".
That is the reason the best setup is from my point of view:
1.) Standard in the plugin is Real Time = the same like Offline (than user can just keep the plugins like this and the have 1:1 the same Offline = Real Time (you see it e.g. U-He Diva where the option "rendering offline with the same like real time" is in place and for the user it is no change to the actual situation and they can just use it like today.
2.) Set up Real Time & Offline in a different way is than an option to the users. To be honest most of the time it sounds better with higher quality and not change the vibe completely. It is just like putting on a plugin, don't do a lot but just sounds "better". The good thing every user can shortly listening to a different Oversampling mode in real time if it is really changing completely the sound and make a decision for offline.
3.) Cross communication plugin to set all plugin instances is nice to have too.

A example: Saturn 2 is my go to plugin for AMP, Transformers, Saturation,.... and is mostly 1 instances on every track.
If I know have a project with 100 channels I need to open the plugin, change it, close the plugin, switch the track. 4 clicks * 100 = 400 clicks of annoying work and this is only for Saturn ;-)

As said. With the option "Render offline in Real Time setting" they is on impact for actual user who totally disagree that Real Time should be 1:1 the same and can not be different. But all the others Users can use it.

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