FabFilter User Forum

Retriggering Volcano 3 XFLOs in Ableton


I'm unable to get XFLOs to be retriggered by a MIDI note in Ableton. Neither “Retrigger” or “Legato” mode is enabling a note-on MIDI message to restart the cycle of the waveform.

Any suggestions?


Gregory White

Hi Gregory,

do you see any midi coming in the plug-in? You should see a blinking light at the bottom left every time a midi note is sent to the plug-in. This should also be able to retrigger the xlfo.

Ralph (FabFilter)

I'm not seeing the blinking light, nor am I seeing it in other FabFilter products that I'm using. I'm having the same problem with the XLFOs using Timeless 3 and Saturn 2. I've been doing some troubleshooting with Ableton on this too over a number of emails, and they weren't able to find a fix.

Gregory White

Hi Gregory, if you do not see a blinking light, that means there is no MIDI coming in. The XLFO will not retrigger if there is no MDI signal coming in. Please send us a session to info@fabfilter.com so we can have a look why the plug-ind does not receive any MIDI signal.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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