FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C feature request

For the next version of Pro-C, it would be great to have more control to shape the transfer curve.

In particular, it would be very useful to be able apply downward and upward compression at the same time, similar to kilohearts.com/products/dynamics.

But even more generally, why not give the user more control over the transfer curve than just setting the threshold, ratio and knee for the downward compression part of the transfer curve?

Despite Pro-C's great interface, conceptually the limitation to good old downward compression seems stuck in the '60s. You could so easily let the user draw arbitrary transfer curves, or at least provide more parameters and wider parameter ranges such that the user can at least apply standard upward and downward compression and expansion, also simultaneously.


I should add that it would also be nice to be able to apply downward compression and upward compression on the same band in Pro-MB. I would much rather use Pro-MB for OTT than the other OTT alternative.

Julien Nakache

Thanks for the suggestion! Do keep in mind though that "under the hood" there is more going on in Pro-C 2 than just applying a fixed transfer curve due to our program-dependent algorithms.


Frederik (FabFilter)

On the subject of the "under the hood" program-dependent algorithms, this is one area I would love to see something in any update.

Not so much something new, more that I want to know more about what it is doing.

I love that with Fabfilter plugins, you can use quite complex fx like pro-R without needing to touch presets. I am working on having a small number of plugins that I learn well and know what to do to get the change I want right from the default settings.

What I'm trying to get away from is hunting through presets and seeing what effect it has then trying another. It feels disconnected.

Anyway, for me, the styles in Pro-C2 have a bit of a preset feel about them. As I learn the plugin, I find them opaque and the descriptions are a little vague. For example, if I hear some issue with a channel, I kind of know what I want to fix, but I will guess or end up switching around the styles to see which will work. There are several plugins in this price range that offer control and indication of the peak and rms decays and crest factor to adjust their effect.

So, would be amazing, and feel very "Fabfilterish" if there was a manual style that brought up a control or two that encapsulated it (like space and character in Pro-R). Like something that dialled in the peak control "amount" and the averaging dependency "amount".

Even with the styles as they are, something, like a colour change, which shows on the graphs where peaks are being used to set ratio and where program level is being used would be great.

Anyway, great plugins!

Nick W

Great suggestions.
Although i’d be wary of custom curves - it can become clunky because it’s easy to make it sound terrible. Melda MCompressor does that.

Upward + downard tho >> YES PLEASE.
I need that :)

Also great idea of having some controls exposed for the different modes.

don’t make it into Unisum (which i love) because the strength of ProC2 is still quick handling and ease of us, but some additional control wouldn’t hurt.

While we’re at it, the autoband of sidechain is a great idea but it irks me so much that I can’t see what’s actually doing.


Oh and there’s one thing that’s done wierd af in ProC2 - mid/side.
Everytime i attempt midside i need to consult the manual. There has to be a simpler way to do that :)

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