FabFilter User Forum

FABFILTER : M1 to I7 Mac - Some issues

Hi guys,

We have some mistakes with Studio One : when we want to exchange studio session between M1 and I7 Mac (Monterey). We’re using the same versions of S1 and plugins: FabFilter C2, L2.

When I open the session on my I7 I have some issues : crackles, sound muted and cuted, glitches CPU peak when S1 playing or not. All plugins are : plugin nap enabled. CPU average 40 %. We have some CPU peaking when S1 not playing. When we mute Fabfilter the session is ok and work perfectly.

We don’t know where this problem comes from, have you some ideas ? Because it’s impossible to work

Thank you !

Gregory Hot

Hi Gregory,

Could you send us a session in which you have this issue? Are you using the exact same plug-in version, not just the same major version?

Ralph (FabFilter)
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