FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 VST3 v2.16 Win10 resize button not visible at times

Reaper v6.78 x64 Windows 10, VST3 version of Pro-C2 (and Pro-Q3) only.

For Reaper I have a bunch of project and track templates that use the C2 in them in. The FX chain window is docked, and I could always count on it showing the whole plugin.

At some point I changed the system scaling to 125% from 100%.

After that Pro-Q3 looked bigger, which is fine but it no longer fit, so I changed it back to 100% via left-clicking and getting the menu from the resize GUI element in the bottom right of the plugin GUI.

In my existing sessions that element did not show up for C2.

The way I fixed this was to make a new session, instantiate C2(VST3 version) , and there was the resize GUI element again. Change that to 100% again, and the C2 instances in the other sessions now followed suit.

The C2 instances in those sessions however no longer resize either, and I can't resize them anyway because that particular GUI element is not showing up. It's fine if I bring in a new instance of C2. I can switch that to "Small" and it resizes in a floating window.

All this in Reaper v6.78. There's something whacky, but it works out currently.

Anthony Oetzmann

Hi Anthony,

could it be you use a mixture of VST2 and VST3 versions of the plug-in? Only VST3 supports resizing.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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