FabFilter User Forum

Premiere Pro: "Audio Filter missing: Pro-Q 3"

I've taken over an Adobe Premiere Pro project and trying to make it open successfully without errors.

I got these three errors on startup:

Video Filter missing: RSMB
Audio Filter missing: Pro-Q 3
Audio Filter missing: Pro-MB

I installed RSMB and after that there was no error about that the next time I opened the project.

However, I also installed the trial versions of Pro-Q 3 and Pro-MB, but Adobe keep giving me errors about those audio filters missing regardless.

Restarting my computer didn't help.

I've verified the two plug-in files "FabFilter Pro-Q 3.component" and "FabFilter Pro-MB.component" are present in the folder

For good measure, I also copied those files to my user Library folder at

However, Premiere keeps complaining about the filters being missing whenever I reopen the project.

What can I do?

Rune Skovbo Johansen

If anyone comes across this...

The issue was resolved by going to the Audio Plug-In Manager in Premiere Pro and choosing "Scan for Plug-Ins" - something I didn't know was needed.

Rune Skovbo Johansen
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