FabFilter User Forum

Pro L2 Feature Requests - Transport based LUFS Metering / Elapsed Metering / Auto Metering

Hi there,

i am redoing my post template in ProTools and wanted to replace Pro Limiter from Avid (as it just sounds bad) with Pro L2 (my favourite Limiter overall). Unfortunately I found Pro L2 has no transport based Loudness Metering. You have to manually reset the Metering which is not practical for short term on air content production. I would love to see an option to activate automatic Metering reset triggered by the daw timeline or a longer occuring silence. It would be awesome to have an extra button (Play) or Control-click on the "pause"-button to enter automatic mode. In Post you will have multiple mix busses for different deliveries and it is an pain in the a*$ to reset all Pro L's separately. This is where Pro Limiter is absolutely rocking. It will even meter in the background and always timeline dependent when "auto" is enabled. Another Metering Solution "Decibel" calls this elapsed Metering so it is pretty common.

Please make this happen.



In addition, please install a loudness meter mode function that operates with zero latency without the limiter part operating. Or please develop a meter plug-in for fabfilter.


Thank you Fabfilter Team. You implemented Auto Reset / Metering! This is awesome support! Love you!

Adnan Alicic

... you're welcome! :-)

Floris (FabFilter)
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