FabFilter User Forum

Twin 3 ability to reorder effects

Please consider giving us the ability to reorder effects in Twin 3

Bill Carroll

Yes, this is really needed. Is the reverb BEFORE the delay??

New Loops

Contrary to what you would expect, the order of effects doesn't really matter much. The reverb, delay*, chorus, and phaser/flanger are essentially linear processes so the order in which you apply them does not matter.

* For the delay this isn't entirely true especially if you use resonance on the filters.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I too logged on here to request FX reordering; I'm not quite sure I understand how the order won't matter. For instance, I find the effect quite different if I activate both the reverb and phaser effect within Twin 3, rather than adding just the phaser and dropping Pro-R after Twin 3 in the device chain. In the former case, the phaser is added on top of the reverb tail, whereas in the latter, the phaser has already done its bit when it goes to the reverb.


I would also like the ability to reorder FX. For example, sometimes its a big difference between applying compression before reverb+delay vs. applying compression after reverb+delay. As another example, sometimes I'm interested to try both flanger before delay vs. flanger after delay, which I think would come out quite different for a sound with a lot of delay feedback


How can the assertion that the order of effects not matter possibly be true?

I just turn off all of the internal effects and route them out. But it sure seems like an important oversight not to have this feature. :(

Chris Crilly
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