FabFilter User Forum

Twin 3 Feedback

I’m a synth geek and love most of Twin 3. I have some feedback. The first item would push me over the edge to purchase it:

Mono == Legato:
In other plugins and my hardware, usually there is a delineation between “Mono Retrigger” and “Mono Legato”. I was a bit disappointed to see that Mono only means Legato in Twin 3.
The workaround that I liked most is putting the plugin in Poly mode with 1 voice and holding my sustain pedal for faster playing, which retriggers envelopes upon Note On messages.
However, in other plugins with a proper retrigger mode (Surge is free and easy to demo this), if I hold two notes and let go of one of the notes, the remaining held note gets retriggered. This allows for easier trills. This is not the behavior with Twin 3’s Poly with 1 voice, it simply only triggers on Note On messages.

1 more Drive stage location:
I like that I can put the drive stage in either pre FX and post FX positions however I would like one more option to put it before the Filter(s) stage. This is a favorite on some of my hardware synths

Analog drift tweak:
I like that the drift is enough that you may play a chord on an init patch and it doesn’t sound like it’s drilling through your brain with digital perfection. I’d just appreciate if I could tweak it to insane levels, if at all possible.

Otherwise: the filters sound brilliant, unsurprisingly. The UI was simple to get used to. Great work



Agree with this. We just had a discussion about the retrigger over at KVR. Envelopes must retrigger but they don't. In fact, the modulation visual shows it retriggering, but the sound doesn't. It seems like a bug to me - or a big oversight. I did email about it already too. :)

New Loops

We did spend an inordinate amount of time deliberating over this but we'll look into it some more! :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

+1 to all your requests, pryomoc! Particularly the "analog drift tweak" - it would be great for creating some really crazy stuff.


Hi all. It would be so tight to get this. People have requested it for almost 15 years! www.fabfilter.com/forum/topic/1476/retrigger-envelope#comment0

David Shaffer
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