FabFilter User Forum

Query - Default Preset Location for Twin 3

Just a couple of queries with regard to the default preset locations for Twin 3...

I noticed Twin 3 uses the following default location for presets (on Windows):

..\Documents\FabFilter\Presets\Twin 3\

Whereas, all other Fabfilter plugins (currently) use the location...

..\Documents\FabFilter\[Plugin Name]\

Can I ask the reason for this change?

I am aware that there is an option for the user to also manually change the preset folder location themselves. However, I'd rather keep to Twin 3's default preset folder structure 'as is', if this is going to be the standard default file structure, going forwards, for future Fabfilter products.

Could you perhaps confirm whether this is to be the case?

Oh! And can I also query why all the factory preset subfolders for Twin 3 are now prefixed with an underscore followed by three digits? e.g "_010", "_020", etc.

My guess is, this was to instruct the new menu system to correctly index then display each category in a specific order? But if that is not the case, was there some other reason?

Thanks. :)


I believe this to be part of a bug in the installer. So I have documented the problem in a seperate topic www.fabfilter.com/forum/topic/7219/bug-in-twin-3-windows-installer-all-plug-ins-and-no-help-file-installed-in-help-folde

Simon O'Rorke

A correction to my previous reply. I meant that the part of Edward's post referring to the plugin locations is covered by the separate bug report topic I started.

Simon O'Rorke

Hi Simon, Edward,

Since last year, we changed the default location for presets on both Windows and Mac to Documents\FabFilter\Presets. We did this to have a single unified location for presets on all platforms.

However, for existing plug-ins, your current presets won't be touched and will be kept in their existing location. So that explains why Twin 3 ends up with its presets in a different location.

Please feel free to move the presets as you wish. The best process for this is to first open Twin 3, click Options > Change Preset Folder in the preset browser (or preset menu for other plug-ins), and choose the new folder. Next, move the preset files to the new folder using Windows Explorer or the Finder on Mac.

(If you first move the presets to a new folder, Twin 3 will conclude that there are no presets, and will recreate the default presets in the default location which is not what you want.)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thank you for that confirmation.

I'm happy to keep the new default location that Twin 3 is now using: '..\Documents\FabFilter\Presets\', since that will therefore become the default location for future Fabfilter plugins.

I will likely change the existing preset folders for all the other older Fabfilter plugins (via each of their Options Change Preset Folder) to match this new single unified location for presets.

Thanks :)

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