FabFilter User Forum

Some Twin 3 QoL Improvements

Some Twin 3 QoL Improvements:

Add the classic 'Previous' and 'Next' present buttons also to the new Preset Menu view mode (to make it easier to quickly cycle through presets when Menu is displayed).

Ability to 'Lock' the High Quality toggle to Always Off/On when switching between presets (can benefit lower powered devices, by keeping the disabled High Quality setting 'locked'.

Ability to 'Lock' Polyphony settings (for similar reason, but also to keep locked to 'Mono' for bass/lead parts etc).

Add default (and optional) 'Global Pitch Bend' control (rather than user needing to create one for each preset). i.e One that can quickly be accessed and set directly via the bottom settings bar. (Can be disabled/over-ridden by any set user-defined preset Pitch Bend parameter if present and Global Pitch is disabled ~ again, include a 'Lock' for this setting).


Hi Edward,

Thanks for your comments, we'll consider them!


Frederik (FabFilter)
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