FabFilter User Forum

Click and crackle sounds with Volcano 3 on my M1 Mac


I just used Volcano 3 on a pad sound with an easy highpass filter automation. I automated cutoff and resonance from about 18kHz to 0 and peak 10 to 0. Drive is set to 2.2. HQ is deactivated. Now I got several pop, click, crackle sounds during the whole song. There is only Volcano 3 on that pad track. In Ableton Live CPU is about at 14%, so this is not the problem.
I exchanged Volcano 3 with UAD Moog Filter XL plugin with quite the same parameters and same automation - and this is working great and without any problems. Very strange behavior of Volcano...

I hope you can help? Or is it a known bug? Because I love Volcano 3 and I want to use it again.


Marcus Schmahl

Hi Marcus,

What OS version and Ableton version are you using? Could you email us a project that has this issue (info@fabfilter.com)?

Ralph (FabFilter)
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