FabFilter User Forum

volcano 3 - sidechain filter on modulation?

hi there,
is there a way to have a sidechain filter on the volcano modulation envelope follower? Kind of like in Saturn, where I can select a Band for the envelope follower to listen to; I would like the Envelope Follower in Volcano 3 be able to listen to a narrow band in the bass let´s say.
And another Envelope follower listen to a band in the highs.


Hi ems,

You can indeed not trigger an EF to a filter in Volcano 3, like you can trigger it from a band in Saturn 2. When you use bands in Saturn 2, it simply splits the signal in several bands, which can be processed individually. Volcano works very differently. All the filters manipulate the filtered or unfiltered signal, depending or the order of the filters and whether a filter is serial or parallel. It rarely splits the audio signal into specific bands.

If you want to have a filtered signal triggering the EF or EG, you can use the external side-chain instead.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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