FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter ProQ3 crashes Izotope RX 9


I wanted to use some dynamic eq-ing in RX9 advanced but whenever I choose ProQ3, RX crashes.

it is a little dissapointing since I can't use my Waves F6 dynamic eq in RX, my guess was Fabfilter could give me what I need.

Is there something I am missing?

I am on Windows 10
Intel I9

Diego van Uden

Hi Diego,

When exactly does RX crash when you try to insert Pro-Q 3? Do you get a crash report you can set?

Are you running the latest version of Pro-Q 3?

Ralph (FabFilter)

Hello Ralph,

perhaps it was a fluke.. I can't replicate the issue... It solved for some reason...

Thanks for the help

Diego van Uden
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