FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q2 won't load on my new M1 laptop

Just got a new M1 Ultra laptop, and while I typically run Pro-Q 3 these days, I have lots of older projects I continue to draw on in which key sounds are heavily dependent on Pro-Q 2. I've tried to download Pro-Q 2 for install, figuring it will at least run using Rosetta, but it keeps failing to download. Is this because it won't load on an M1 chip machine, or is the problem something else?


Jeff Claus

Where did you find the Pro Q2 setup? I have the same problem as you with my old projects. I would like to install it.


We have an up-to-date installer for Pro-Q 2 including M1 support here:


Frederik (FabFilter)

The Q2 file at that link keeps won't download. It keeps stopping, saying the download failed. I do have my old version of Q2 running on my new M1 machiine, but I'd like to be using the new one. Do you have any ideas why this download won't go through?


John Claus

Hi John,

I've just tried the link of the installer, and it should work properly. Here's a link:


Ralph (FabFilter)
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