FabFilter User Forum

Option to Disable the 'Source Flow Area' Visualisation?

Hi. I own your Total Bundle.

Can I disable the 'source flow area' visualisation?

I find the 'diffuse flow' effect, unhelpful and rather distracting in some of your newer updates (i.e. Saturn 2, Timeless 3, Volcano 3).

Is there some configuration 'hack' that allows users to choose whether to enable or disable that 'blurry glow' effect? Because I really want it gone.

If not currently possible, will you consider allowing for that option, in your next product update? Either via an in-plugin toggle/option, or through a manual user modification of any of those plugins' config files?

Thank you.


Hi Edward,

Currently it's not possible to adjust the visualization of the analyzers. I'll forward your feedback to the developers.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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