FabFilter User Forum

MacBook Pro CPU usage

I have a MacBook Pro with the following specs:
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,3
Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.5 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 4
Memory: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Logic Pro X ver 10.7.4

Does anyone know the how much CPU load Pro Q3 or Pro C2 takes for each instance running on each track. My studio framework runs on UAD and 85% of my plug-in use is off loaded to UAD hardware, but now that I have discovered FabFilter, I fear that I will go back to square one having the Laptop CPU doing the heavy lifting by itself. UAD plug-ins do not have the capabilities of traditional "side chain" operations, hence some of my reasons for the shift. I know that the included plugs-ins with Logic Pro X ver 10.7.4 has side chain capabilities, but they seem not to respond as expected and the interfaces are a lot to be desired, and so before I jump in(with FabFilter) head first, I need some goggles (advise).

Thanks in advance.



Hi Rockfort,

The CPU usage of our plug-ins can vary a lot. Most of them are not very CPU intensive in their basic settings and you should be able to load multiple without running in issues. However, enabling oversampling and linear phase mode will increase the resources needed for a plug-in.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Rob, thank you for your reply, I do appreciate it.


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