FabFilter User Forum

Stop Updating Please

No, I really appreciate the improvements.

However if you are going to change the name of the plugin, Volcano 3 and Saturn 5, for example, and we upgrade and don't keep the old version alongside, we lose all our plugin settings on older projects because of a plugin not found message.

Great incentive to not buy the new version.

I know you don't want to give the new version to users who have paid good money for the older versions, but if it's going to disrupt our work, I have to draw the line.

Really FabFilter ought to be marketing to the people who aren't yet users of the best plugins on the market. And maybe don't change the name of the plugin and let existing customers have the upgrades without this hassle?


Lol, so you had time to rant on the forum but haven't spend a minute to read to the bottom of the "Download" page to see the link to the legacy installers?




Nobody's ranting. Pointing out the ironic consequence of renaming a plug-in, while praising their high quality.

Get a life of your own please.


I really don't understand your criticism.
Plugins naming has nothing to do with this.
Although looking like the old versions, the newer versions are totally different plugins under the hood, and they have to get a different name.
If you want older projects to remain the same as they were, you have to use the original plugins with their original code.
This is the exact reason you can still download and use the older versions alongside the new ones.

Or maybe your criticism is about Fabfilter asking for *Major Updates* payment from existing users? Which is nonsense, on many levels.

And still, even if they were giving major updates for free, they'd still have to change the name of the plugins, because they're different plugins.


The issue is something like - since DAWs get so confused when plugin names change, maybe it would be better to just leave the name of the plugin as "Volcano" regardless of how different it is under the hood? But its weird to be singling out FabFilter since they do a great job of ensuring that their new version are reasonably backwards compatible with legacy presets.

Eg. Timeless 3 can load presets for Timeless 1 and 2 which is awesome. Not all developers do this.


There are many reasons why they should give the new versions new names.
The only you discomfort you get as a user is having to *keep* the old versions, there's no added work.
As long as you don't manually delete it, everything should work as expected.

This tiny discomfort doesn't compete with the advantages of simply making the new versions different plugins (with different names).

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