FabFilter User Forum

Auto gain in Saturn

Seeing as how there is no auto gain in Saturn is there an easy way to do that? If so could you post the steps please.


Hi Jack,

Saturn 2 has no auto gain so you'll have to adjust the levels manually. However, some knobs in our plug-in interfaces are linked: these can be adjusted simultaneously by holding down the Alt key (Shift key in Pro Tools) while dragging on one of them. For example, an output level and input level setting of a plug-in could be adjusted simultaneously (in the opposite direction) this way.

You can use this function on either Saturn 2's input or output knob to adjust them simultaneously.



Maarten (FabFilter)

Hi Jack,

To add to Maarten's reply: there is indeed no gain compensation that can be toggled on or off in Saturn 2. However, when you are adding drive, Saturn does apply some gain compensation.

When dealing with nonlinear effects like saturation it's a bit difficult to have exact level compensation, as often the transients are heavily adjusted, especially on higher drive settings. When increasing the drive, Saturn 2 compensates for the loudness differences.

Ralph (FabFilter)
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