FabFilter User Forum

No pausing in Full screen on Apple M1 Pro Q 3, Logic Pro x

I am unable to pause the track when using Pro Q3 in full screen mode on logic Pro 10.7.4. When I hit the space bar the screen just flashes. I notice the same thing happen with Pro C2 in full screen mode.

Note that while running Logic in Rosetta mode, FF plugins will pause / play as expected in fullscreen. FF states that all their plugins are fully compatible to run Natively on M1, so i'm still trying to get to the bottom of whether this is a Logic issue of a Fabfilter Issue.

I emailed support support about it and they told me their developers would have a look mid August once they got back from their holiday. It's September now, I'll update when they get back to me.

Has anybody else been having this issue? I would love to find the Solution.


Hi Jonathan,

I've been able to reproduce the issue on the M1 Mac at our office. We're looking into the issue.



Any Idea when this will be fixed? I was told by one of the team that it would be fixed in the next version of pro Q 3 but I am still having the issue in the latest release (3.22) from this March.

Jonathan Bobo

Fabfilter confirmed they still haven't fixed this bug, but told me it will be fixed on the NEXT version.

Running Logic 10.7.8 now.

Jonathan Bobo

Also, It happens in other Fabfilter plugins, I haven't tested them all. I just avoid full screen mode for now but I would like to be able to use it.

Jonathan Bobo

Hi Jonathan,

I just discussed this with our developers. We are aware of the issues but unfortunately we do not have a solution for this issue.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Hi Fabfilter, we are in 2025 and you release Pro-Q 4 since the initial post. Why do we still have this issue ? It makes the full screen features completely useless, as you can imagine. Can we expect you to fix this soon, if it's in your power ? Thanks for feedback.

Dominique Mirval
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