FabFilter User Forum

Spectrum Analyzers are no longer working - Q3, MB, Saturn

Not sure what is going on here, but none of the FabFilter analyzers are working anymore. Not for Q3, MB or Saturn. No analysis shows up regardless of any of the settings in the analyzer panel.

I've tested inside of Logic and Ableton, I've re-inserted the plugins and started new sessions, but still no change.

I've tested using my interfaces and just using the Mac internal speakers.

If I have audio playing while I insert a plugin I can see some analysis for a split second and then it fades out.

I'm using a Mac M1 Pro with Monterey.

Any help would be much appreciated.



Trey Gunn

Hi Trey,

That's very strange. Could you send us a short video that illustrates the issue?

Please send it to:

Thanks in advance.



Maarten (FabFilter)


Many thanks. I tried Ralph's suggestions of disabling the graphics acceleration, but it had no effect.

I just emailed you guys some video.



Trey Gunn

Hi Guys, I was scrolling to find some help and saw this topic. My graphics are visible but with ProQ-3 but if I don't disable the graphics I get crashes in Ableton Live. Actually for a while now. It doesn't matter what version of Live (11 alpha or beta).

Kel van Soest

I re-installed the whole bundle again, rebooted and now the issue is resolved.

Thanks for helping.


Trey Gunn

I'm also having this issue on an M1 mac. Everything works fine if I run Reaper with Rosetta enabled, and it also works fine on my older intel mac. So seems like the issue is with just native M1 macs, which I thought was supposed to be supported.


Any update on this?


Have the same issue, both in Logic and Reaper. M1 mac. Was working fine until today.


Same issue here on M1 mac running both Logic and Reaper


Try restarting the computer. That fixed it for me (Mac Studio M1 Max).


Bob Weston

As Bob Weston wrote: sometimes it stops working and the computer restart is required. Had this issue today, restart solved it.

Józef Flakus
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