FabFilter User Forum

Pro C 2 upgrade

I have just upgraded from Pro C to Pro C 2.
Using Cubase Pro 12 on a Windows 10 machine.
The problem is that there is no Sidechain Activation Button, Pro C has one but Pro C 2 does not, any ideas?

Chriss Hollinrake

Make sure you've added a VST3 version of Pro-C2, as Cubase supports sidechain for VST3 plugins only.


Hi Chris,

Serhii is right, please use the VST3 version instead of the VST2. The VST3 does not have the FabFilter prefix, and is simply called Pro-C 2. You can also recognize it by the /// symbol in the plug-in list.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

Thank you very much guys. Solved.

Chriss Hollinrake
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