FabFilter User Forum

FabFilter Pro-Q3 - Presets are there but don't alter the sound

Hi Guys,

I wrote you yesterday, but unfortunately I got no answer.

I started a trial of Pro-Q3 because I’m seriously interested in getting it for my EQ purposes.
Unfortunately there seems to be a bug with the presets.

The presets are there, I can select them, but they don’t affect the sound. Only manually created EQ changes work. The presets just don’t alter the sound at all.

What’s wrong here?

(I’m on Windows 11 – Cubase)

Kind regards,


Just found the problem.
All my other plug-ins run on VST3 SDK version 3.6.9.
FabFilter Pro-Q3 runs on SDK 3.7.3.
I'm still on Cubase 6.5 which doesn't support VST 3.7.3.
On Cubase 12 the Pro-Q3 presets work fine.

So it's not your fault. :-)

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