FabFilter User Forum

Need to sell/transfer my Total Bundle License


I thought I would get back into desktop production, but my health will just not let me do it. I have all the great Fabfilter plugins on IOS so I need to sell my desktop total bundle. I am willing to make a great discount on this and will only go through the transfer portal here to do this. I dont know if this is appropriate to post here or not. I am very active on the AudioBus forum under “onerez”. I bought the total bundle for 999.00 and would take 600.00 for it.


Mods if this is not appropriate to post here please remove.

Robert Triplett

Is there a way to buy the fabfilter q3 from you?

Brian Hurling

Hi Brian,

it's not possible to purchase specific plug-ins from within a bundle. A bundle can only be transferred completely.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

Hey, I'm interested. Do you have a contact email?


Do you still have this for sale?

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