FabFilter User Forum

Product Refund

Hey! I recently purchased Volcano 3, and after a few uses I realized that it wasn't all that I expected it to be and I'd like to refund it and purchase another plug in from the store. I've been told to email info@fabfilter.com, but whenever I do I get an immediate response telling me that it was rejected because of a High Probability of Spam.

I was hoping that coming here would allow someone to help with my issue.

My Cleverbridge Reference Number is: 330043722

My Email Address is EspiothOfficial@gmail.com

Thanks so much for your time!

Dan Nelson

Actually on second thought, I think I'll keep Volcano. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Dan Nelson

Hi Dan! Strange your email is not coming through. If you have any second thoughts and decide you want a refund, just let us know.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

hey this is michael moseley and recently i bought saturn and i wanted to refund it because i would like to check out other options of pluggins that you offer instead, thank you for your time it’s a good pluggin, but would like to explore my options a little more

michael moseley
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