FabFilter User Forum

PRO-Q 3 preset issue

We’ve noticed something we think is an issue with the Pro-Q 3 parameters presets.
The workstation where this occurred in is a Mac Pro 6.1 with an OS in 10.15.7 and Pro Tools in 2021.7.

A few days ago, we have decided to update our Fabfilter Pro-Q3 from 3.20 to 3.21 and then, all the presets the sound editor was working with, didn’t work anymore:
-We could recall the presets, and the plug-in window displayed the parameters just fine, but the plug-in didn’t have any effect on the sound that went through it, no matter how the curve was.
-If we started from the factory settings, the plug-in worked fine.

I’ve tested recalling a preset, then saving it as another file, and recalling this new preset, and the issue was still effective.

It is only after double clicking the bypass button that the plug-in started working with a preset.
When I recalled the presets, the bypass button wasn’t displayed as effective.

Now that I recalled the old (3.20) preset, double clicked the bypass button, and saved the preset, I can worked directly after recalling these newly saved presets, as if they needed to be refreshed after the plug-in update.

Do you think it is an issue that can be fixed?

Best regards


Hi Kevin,

We've just replied to your email regarding this issue.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)
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