FabFilter User Forum

Volcano 3 bell bands need values in dB

I love the addition of new filter types in Volcano 3, especially the Bell type. It would be great if this band type could have it's "Peak" value readout in dB rather than just a dimensionless number as it currently is. I know Freq and Peak / Resonance are the traditional parameters for a filter plugin, but when it's a bell shape it's more for traditional EQ uses where dB is more handy to use.

This would also apply to the high & low shelves as well.


Hi Vance,

Thank you for your feedback. I'm sorry to disappoint but we will not offer this on Volcano 3. There's a lot more happening under the hood with Volcano 3 when you tweak the parameters than meets the eye. We don't want to misguide our users with the idea of linearity by using absolute q and dB values. Someone will put it to the test and start measuring... When the dictated values don't correspond to their measurements people will quickly feel misguided. That's the problem with non-linearity, it is hard to put a set value on it :-)

Maarten (FabFilter)
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