FabFilter User Forum

Fabfilter problem with cubase 12


I have updated cubase to version 12. ALL fabfilter plugins crash as soon as they are opened.
Operating system windows 10 home 21h1.
Processor i9-10900k

Help me please


Alain Hernández

Hi Alain,

That is very odd: I'm using Cubase 12 without any problems here. Did you try VST3 and VST2? Try to restart your computer?


Frederik (FabFilter)

I am having the same issue with Cubase 12 on macOS 10.15.7. I am loading the latest version of VST3 plugins and am often dealing with saving sessions then Cubase crashes when I later try to reopen the session. It’s happened with Pro-L 2 and Pro-Q 2 so far.

Generally the call stack looks like this every time:

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 com.fabfilter.Pro-L.Vst3.2 0x0000000135490e73 0x1353a1000 + 982643
1 com.fabfilter.Pro-L.Vst3.2 0x0000000135492b95 0x1353a1000 + 990101
2 com.fabfilter.Pro-L.Vst3.2 0x000000013549dfb9 0x1353a1000 + 1036217
3 com.fabfilter.Pro-L.Vst3.2 0x00000001353e7b65 0x1353a1000 + 289637
4 com.fabfilter.Pro-L.Vst3.2 0x00000001354b4442 0x1353a1000 + 1127490
5 com.fabfilter.Pro-L.Vst3.2 0x000000013547aa41 0x1353a1000 + 891457
6 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010acce0e7 0x1098e2000 + 20889831
7 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010ace5e92 0x1098e2000 + 20987538
8 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010acef21d 0x1098e2000 + 21025309
9 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010acf1fab 0x1098e2000 + 21036971
10 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x0000000109b43086 0x1098e2000 + 2494598
11 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x0000000109b58bbc 0x1098e2000 + 2583484
12 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010b0ea630 0x1098e2000 + 25200176
13 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010b0e9db2 0x1098e2000 + 25198002
14 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a0209ac 0x1098e2000 + 7596460
15 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a0204b4 0x1098e2000 + 7595188
16 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a023ea8 0x1098e2000 + 7610024
17 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a044294 0x1098e2000 + 7742100
18 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a030159 0x1098e2000 + 7659865
19 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a023e62 0x1098e2000 + 7609954
20 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a030159 0x1098e2000 + 7659865
21 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x0000000109fe1c6e 0x1098e2000 + 7339118
22 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x0000000109ffb921 0x1098e2000 + 7444769
23 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010a0543c6 0x1098e2000 + 7807942
24 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010aa973f0 0x1098e2000 + 18568176
25 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010aa9f44b 0x1098e2000 + 18601035
26 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010d1c95f0 0x1098e2000 + 59667952
27 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010d29ee59 0x1098e2000 + 60542553
28 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010d29eef0 0x1098e2000 + 60542704
29 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff3170dd43 withWindowOrderingObserverHeuristic + 484
30 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff3170d8b8 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _openURLs:withCompletionHandler:] + 1310
31 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff315b25fb __69-[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenDocumentsForURLs:]_block_invoke + 890
32 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff3140d1e0 __90-[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _autoreopenDocumentsFromRecords:withCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke + 52
33 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff3140cc46 -[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _autoreopenDocumentsFromRecords:withCompletionHandler:] + 328
34 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff3140cad6 __97-[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _autoreopenDocumentsIgnoringExpendable:withCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_3 + 95
35 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff3140c678 -[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _autoreopenDocumentsIgnoringExpendable:withCompletionHandler:] + 590
36 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff31277b22 -[NSApplication _reopenWindowsAsNecessaryIncludingRestorableState:completionHandler:] + 249
37 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff315b21f6 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenDocumentsForURLs:] + 236
38 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff312775b4 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 764
39 com.apple.Foundation 0x00007fff3666f336 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 308
40 com.apple.Foundation 0x00007fff3666f1a0 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 98
41 com.apple.AE 0x00007fff35372203 0x7fff35365000 + 53763
42 com.apple.AE 0x00007fff35371929 0x7fff35365000 + 51497
43 com.apple.AE 0x00007fff35369bd7 aeProcessAppleEvent + 449
44 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff32c3a7ea AEProcessAppleEvent + 54
45 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff312718f1 _DPSNextEvent + 1547
46 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff3126fea0 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1352
47 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff31261bae -[NSApplication run] + 658
48 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010d29c8f8 0x1098e2000 + 60532984
49 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010d0b4025 0x1098e2000 + 58531877
50 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010b4a8023 0x1098e2000 + 29122595
51 com.steinberg.cubase12 0x000000010b4ad9bb 0x1098e2000 + 29145531
52 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff6dd9bcc9 start + 1

Steffan Andrews

Thanks, we'll have a look. Is this with the latest 2.11 version of Pro-L 2?


Frederik (FabFilter)

The very latest fabfilter bundle, yes.

It's not easy to reproduce. Most of the time it saves and reopens sessions without issue while fabfilter plugins are instantiated. But if you work with the Cubase session enough (add tracks, instruments, save a few times, etc.) then eventually that session seems to crash Cubase when reopening.

Steffan Andrews

Hi Steffan,

I've investigated the crash log, but it doesn't give an ovious cause for the crash unfortunately. Would it be possible to e-mail us the full crash report via e-email? This could give us more clues about what might be causing this...

Thanks in advance!

Floris (FabFilter)


Same thing happened here sometimes on Nuendo 12 with Pro L2 & Pro C2. Everything is updated.
Have you got a solution ?




I had some issues in the past but not now


Yea Nuendo 11 On MAC 10.13. Crashes with more than one FAB filter plug. Unusable!! ;-( with JUST one Track of audio , I have MAc Pro 2013 128 Gigs ram. No reason for it to fall on it face

bobby summerfield

Hi Bobby,

Can you try to disable graphics acceleration?


Frederik (FabFilter)
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