FabFilter User Forum

Missing License

Dear Fabfilter Team,

I,ve bought the Pro-Q 3. After going through the registration process I was told that there would be emails sent to me concerning my registration and my personal license file. However I havent received a single email yet. Please contact me with instructions on how to fix this error.

Best regards
Vincent M

Vincent M

Hi Vincent,

We've received your emails and have replied to them as well. Have you checked your spam folder for our replies as well?

We've found your activation code successfully activated to the email address you also wrote to this forum with. You should be able to set your password using the link below:


Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

Hey Ralph,

i appreciate the timely response. I still don't really know why I didn't receive the previous emails but clicking on the link you sent me worked. I got the email and was finally able to acces my account (including my licenses). Thank you very much for helping me out with this issue.

Vincent M
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