FabFilter User Forum

Modulation sync problems with asymmetric time signatures

Hi There.

I'm trying to create tempo synced modulations with 5/4, 7/8 and other asymmetric time signatures in volcano 3 (but it seems to be the same problem in all FF products), and I can't get it to behave as I'd expect.

For example. I have a Logic Pro X project in 7/8 (80 bpm), and I want Volcano to modulate the frequency on beats 1 and 5, so I create an XLFO with 7 step sliders, sliders 1 and 5 are up the rest are down. The sync setting drop down is set to 1 bar.
If I then play a held note volcano will play the 7 steps correctly but the tempo is too slow, it is trying to play the seven subdivisions at the project tempo as if it is 4/4, resulting in it playing the modulation one beat "late" every bar. Does that make sense?

Am I missing something fundamental here or do FF products just ignore time signature and only read tempo. If I set up something similar in Logics step FX plug in, it works as expected. 7 steps playing in sync with the tempo.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Wayne Walker-Allen

If anyone else is trying to figure this out, the answer is to use the Frequency Offset knob to dial in the correct repeat length. It can be fiddly and involve a bit of trial and error with complex time sigs to get a smooth repeat with long held notes.

A rough formula to help work it out: with a 7/8 sig, you divide 8 by 7 to get a Frequency Offset of 1.143. With 5/4, you divide 4 by 5 to get 0.8.

There are other ways to achieve this, but this worked for my needs at this time.

Wayne Walker-Allen
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