FabFilter User Forum

Resizable interfaces with bigger fonts and icons

I was wondering what your thoughts would be on having resizable interfaces that increase font and icon sizes a bit more. The way it is now, I can make the window itself bigger, the analyzers get enlarged, but I find that in relation to the window size, the text, numbers and icons are still relatively small. Would be great having an option to have increased size of those. Personally I find the text a bit hard to read even in larger window sizes. Thank you for your consideration. Kind regards


Hi DJ,

Our philosophy is that we try to match the size of fonts and icons in the operating system and other applications (e.g. your host) in our plug-ins. If you prefer bigger text and icons, you can simply change the scaling of the entire system. On Windows, this is the DPI scaling setting under Display settings (we support 100%, 150%, 200% and 300% scaling here). On a Mac, simply change the scaling of the display in System Preferences.


Frederik (FabFilter)

What if I'm comfortable with the current resolution and DPI scaling setting using my DAW (Reaper) but some of Fabfilter's icons and knobs are too small?

For example I use Kilohearts plugins with UI scale 125%, that's perfect for me, and they can go up to 255%.


Can you show a screen shot to illustrate this?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Also the font of the parameters is not so smooth (drive, lo-fi, diffuse etc)



Thanks for the clear screen shot. What I'm seeing is that the font we're using more or less matches the size that Reaper uses, so that makes sense in a way. But I agree that the Kilohearts plugin has a smoother interface with clearer fonts.

Currently we only support scaling factors of 100, 150, 200, and 300%, but I'm working on adding support for 125%. Once that is done, if you would set Windows scaling to 125%, both Reaper and Timeless 3 would match the Kilohearts interface.

I'll also think about a way to set custom scaling for our plugins. I do think that the way the Kilohearts interface scales is not that useful in general, since you don't get any more space -- everything just gets bigger. So ideally we need both. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

+1 for manual scaling, system independent.

I regularly use 125% for other plugins that support it. I do not want to use system-wide scaling just for FF plugins to appear bigger. I am fine with everything else in my system, just FF plugins I find a little too small.

Brano Fabry

Apologies for the late response.

Yeah I suppose I could change the size of the fonts everywhere but for me personally that's just way too much. I can't think of another plugin by another developer that offers scaling but doesn't adjust the font and icon sizes by itself automatically to match the scaling. Doing it the way that you do it defeats the purpose of scaling, IMO. So I'd like to simply state that it would be appreciated if you would consider implementing this for a future version sometime down the line.
Thank you for your time. Kind regards


@Frederik, 125% scaling would be very welcome. I use 2x 2k Screens with Windows 10 set to 125%. Especially the texts on Pro-Q 3 are too small. I always get in to a bad posture, getting closer with my face to the screen to see them properly. Looking forward to the update! :)

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