FabFilter User Forum

Pro-Q and Pro-C ideas / thoughts

Hi there,

first of all: wow, great plugins. Second: I am stupid and a bit sad that I did not follow you people in any kind before ... I literally missed the sale for ONE or two day/s and even bought two plugins one after each other (while buying multiple plugins together in one buy is not even possible outisde the bundle options, right?). Oh boy. But now I got them and I am quite happy with the plugins. Especially Pro-Q reaaally did flash me, wow! Mind if I post some ideas / thoughts here?


- I heared about KirchhoffEQ today, which totally seems like a Pro-Q clone, hehe. Still in some aspects I am still happy to have Pro-Q now. Still: I find it nice that you can adjust attack and release for the dynamic modes in KirchhoffEQ. Maybe such a thing could become interesting in Pro-Q as well?
- Also I totally like the slope option for bell bandtypes so that a bell band can be steeper on the sides and flat on the freqeuncy point. Bad described, sorry; just see this image instead: i.imgur.com/AbInSub.png


Again I am a bit sad that I bought Presswerk just some days ago and suddenly I thought about testing Pro-C again. Thanks for the trial extension, by the way! Also for the info that other plugins can be tested with this as well. That's why I tested Pro-Q (even though I never tested this before, but it just made me test it anyway).

Nevermind, some thoughts on Pro-C:

- It would be nice if there were the option to manually adjust the RMS window
- Absolutely not that important, but still: a darker look could maybe be cool, ... but not that important after all. Just a quick thought here. (-;

Looking forward to some thoughts of others or even you Fabfilter people! Thanks for reading and have a nice day. (=

All the best,

Manuel Senfft

A bummer that you cannot editr posts here; some more thoughts:

- Keyboard shortcuts would be nice to have!
- While on the contrary: in Reaper some things like letters or numbers do not go through into Reaper. Maybe due to the possibility to enter values inside Pro-Q as well? Maybe this could be active only when the entering text field is in focus or so. It's just like: I have shortcuts for Reaper which get caught by Pro-Q. So I have to click outside Pro-Q so that the shortcuts work in Reaper again.

Manuel Senfft

Okay, nevermind to the idea with "steep on the sides and flat on the top" .... I just found out that you can adjust the slope for bell bands as well, cool!

Manuel Senfft

New idea:

- Allpass band type

Manuel Senfft

Okay nevermind, Volcano 3 has allpass bands. So another thing on my plugin wishlist then. (-; ... you guys are killing it, haha.

Manuel Senfft
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