FabFilter User Forum

Pro-L 2 in Ableton delay even when plug-in bypassed

Dear All,

I recently noticed a delay of 3500ms using Pro-L 2 also in case the plug-in device is off. I noticed this an Ableton Live 11 on an MAC Mini (M1 with Rosetta). Of course I know how to reduce this with TP off and transparency mode, but I expected no delay when the plug-in is bypassed. Did anyone came across the same issue?

Mark Evertz

Hi Mark,

When a plug-in is bypassed most DAWs still compensate for the latency of the plug-in. Bypass is usually a setting you can automate. When they would disable the delay compensation during bypass you would get nasty clicks when you would automate the bypass mode.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)
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