FabFilter User Forum

Pro Q3 Logic Pro doesn't load automation for side chained tracks

I have Pro Q3 loaded on multiple audio tracks in Logic Pro (10.6.3 on MacOs Catalina 10.15.7). On these tracks I use Pro Q3 as an instrument, using side chain with an audio file input from a separate track.

When I open a saved Logic project, all of the Q3 instances don't load the automation data correctly - the automation sub-tracks show as "unused" and the automation data points display as midi points (0-127) instead of the actual parameter values. Also, the track with the Q3 side chained will have no output.

When I manually select or highlight each audio track, the Q3 automation data will return to normal and the side chaining output will work as expected. But I have to do this manually for every track that has Q3 automation (tracks that use Q3 side chained but without any automation don't have this problem). Here is what my automation sub-tracks show:
1 Pro-Q 3: 121 (unused)
1 Pro-Q 3: 146 (unused)
1 Pro-Q 3: 159 (unused)

This behavior is not a show-stopper, and it is relatively easy to fix - but it gets more problematic as my track count grows, and it can be easy to forget about a track - in a complex arrangement. Also - it seems that this behavior is a bug and FF would want to fix it.

The behavior is reproducible and completely predicable. I can provide a screen shot if that would be helpful.

James Ure

Hi James,

Would it be possible to send us a small video of this issue to info@fabfilter.com?

Ralph Verdult

Thanks Ralph - sure, I will work on this later today and send you a video by email.

James Ure
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