FabFilter User Forum

No Activate Side Chain Button in the plug-in header

Good day. In the plug-in header, I do not have the option to click on the Activate Side-Chain button (nothing to the right of the R/W buttons other than switch A/B and Copy A/B). Because of this I can't enable the external side chain. I have the newest version 3.1.7 of the VST installed. I am using Cubase Elements 10. Thanks for any guidance!


Will Cook

I’ve seen this before, now I don’t use Cubase, but I thought Cubase Elements 10 doesn’t have the option to sidechain?
Version 11 supposedly has it for VST3.
But I’m no expert on Cubase :)


There is no sidechain support in cubase 10 elements. Time to upgrade

Luis Rodriguez
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