FabFilter User Forum

Pro-C2 M/S implementation

Am I understanding this right:
- Stereo link to 0% means completely independent L/R compression
- Stereo link to 200% means only MID or only SIDE compression (depending on 4 settings)
- compression settings are identical between channels at all times
- at 0% it means Pro-C2 is operating in dual-mono mode
- at 100%+ it means it's operating in mid/side mode, the only difference is how much of either mid or side is feeding the sidechain input
- Auto-gain affects both wet/dry and wet/dry pan?

ngl, I'm used to M/S, but this part of pro-c2 always make me go "huh", esp for mid/side shenanigans where i'd want a more clear indication of difference between channels since i'm messing with the stereo image.

I think i understand why you went for this implementation rather than the more conventional variable link dual-mono with separate controls, but it's the least intuitive part of Pro-C2 for me. Or any Fab plugin i think.


Hi Ploki,

You are correct regarding the different linking modes. 0% is dual mono, each with their own side-chain circuit. At 100% both channels have both left and right signal in their side-chain detection, so compression on both channels is the same. Any settings above 100% will balance the side-chain signal more to the mid or side signal.

The auto gain only applies to the wet gain, not to the dry gain.


Ralph Verdult

I guess it makes sense, i just wish there would also be some "release" and "attack" pan knobs, to weight compressor response in m/s as well.

Also the Dry part was a blurb for some reason, i meant that it affects wet gain and pan separately based on how much you weight the sidechain.

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