FabFilter User Forum

AVID S1 custom mapping with Q3

Hi there,

now with the new custom plugin mapping option in Eucon I was wondering how this works with Q3. In the custom mapping menu I only see a fraction of the parameters that are available on Q3. For example there's a "LPF freq" parameter but when I map that it move the frequency of a random dot in Q3 not the one that I have actually setup as a LPF.
Is there a way for Eucon/S1/Control to differentiate between the dots in Q3? I only see rather unspecific ones like "low mid" "high mid" etc. while the Q3 has 8 bands going...

Also the "In" button on the frequency parameters seems to cycle through the different types of filters. Can you tell me on which of the parameters the "in" buttons turn the bands on/off?

Many thanks!


OK, so I found out that you can see all the original parameters on the insert page. Now I wonder how to relate those to the ones on the actual EQ page? Are those fixed and setup by AVID?


What really doesn't seem to make sense for example is that all "Lo" parameters on the EQ page refer to Band 2 in Q3 which is not the lowest band.
Can this be changed to Band1 or is that an AVID thing?


Hi Hans,

To use Pro-Q 3 with an Avid surface it's advised to use of the "Flat X bands" presets of Pro-Q 3. Since bands are numbered in the order of their creation, it is possible that band 1 is a top shelf, band 2 is a low pass and band 8 is your high pass and so on. It would be impossible for a controller to keep track of that, so it is important that when using a controller a specific band is always in the same location.

We have created these flat presets especially for this reason. They have a high pass setup as band 1, then 3, 4 or 5 shelf or bell bands and finally a low pass. We suggest using one of these as a starting point when using a controller like the S1.

Please let me know if this resolves your issue.

Ralph (FabFilter)

Sorry for the super late response.
Yes this solves the issue thank you!


Hi, on a related note, is it possible to engage a band's bypass button with an S1/Control/Eucon?

The Flat presets have the hi/low pass filters bypassed by default, and although I could make a preset with them engaged I'd prefer a way to click those off and on via the control surface. Otherwise the Flat presets work very well!

Roger Wilco

Yes, I think it’s the IN button of the Q parameter. Slightly unintuitive but you can make a custom layout.


Hi all,

I realized this post is kinda old, but I was having the same issue when I started using Q3 and thought I'd share what I learned today when trying to set up the S1 knobs.

You can create custom mapping on the S1, but then you have to use the Insert button to get to your custom mapping. Instead use the EQ button, the default knobs on the S1 correspond to the Q3 dots as follows:

Lo = Blue / 2nd dot
Lm = Pink / 3rd dot
Hm = Purple / 5th dot
Hi = Light green / 6th dot
HPF = Green / 1st dot
LPF = Light Blue / 7th dot
Mid = Red / 4th dot

So you can then create a 7 band preset on your Q3 plugin, and your 2nd dot created will always correspond to the S1 Lo knobs and so on.

Hope that helps anyone looking to solve this same issue in the future!


Hi. Reviving this old topic. How do you activate dots in the S1? So far the only way I could find was via the plug in window using the mouse; once the dot is active, I can use the S1 knob however I want. But it would be ideal if I didn't need to use the mouse at all.


Hi Carlos,

Activation/deactivation of a band is a parameter that is mapped for avid controllers. However, it is possible that this parameter only shows up in the insert tab, and not in the EQ tab. We suggest using the Insert tab to use with Pro-Q 3, as this provides the most complete mapping of the parameters.

Ralph Verdult (FabFilter)

Hi, Ralph. Thaks for your answer. I've tried with the Insert tab, and although it does show more parameters than the EQ tab, I can't find the activation/deactivation control. I've tried the "in" button of the Q parameter that is mentioned in a previous comment, to no avail. I've tried all the other parameters in Band 1, still nothing.
The Insert tab shows this parameters for each band: Speakers, Stereo placement, Threshold, DynRange, Shape, Q, Freq and Gain.
Am I not seeing something I should?

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