FabFilter User Forum

Timeless Vocal Doubler

Last week I bought the new Timeless 3 plugin and its a bit overwhelming compared to the delays I'm used to, to be honest. Non the less I want to learn and start using it, as soon as possible, of course. New toys are the most fun, arent they?
I've been playing around, starting with factory presets and I can do a lot by ear and that's all fine, but there's one thing I'm stuck on and I just dont know this plugin well enough to figure this one out: A vocal doubler!
Think of the Waves vocal doubler, a slightly, differently delayed copy of the original, with -3 cent pitch on the left and a +3 cent pitch on the right and the same with +6 cent and -6 cent.

Of course I've been googling, but I keep running into examples forother plugins, but I can find any tutorial, or description for doing this on the Timeless 3.

Could someone point me to an explanation that can get me started, please? That would be most appreciated.



Hi Demious,

Timeless 3 has a lot of cool options for a vocal doubler. One thing to keep in mind though is that it has a minimal delay time of 45ms when using the pitch effect, which might be a bit long for the doubler effect you are describing. Without the pitch effect enabled it has a minimal delay time of 5ms.

It is possible to have the pitch effect mirror one side to the other, so you have e.g. -3 on the left and +3 on the right. This is done with the left small Pitch Shift Mirroring button above the pitch button. It's not possible to set 2 different pitches per delay. However, you can choose to set the pitch effect inside the feedback path. This way the first repeat will be -3 and +3, the second repeat will be -6 and +6, etc. If you have the pitch effect outside the feedback path it will remain at the pitched frequency you have set. This is set with the right small button above the pitch knob.

I hope this cleared it up and you have some more background info to make what you want :-)


Ralph (FabFilter)

Thanks for that great explanation. Out of curiosity why the 45 ms limit for pitched delays? Isn't 19-30ms pretty common for vox doublers?


The delay itself had a latency of 5ms, and the pitch algorithm has a latency of 40ms. So when the pitch effect is activated there is a minimum delay of 45 because we wanted the plug-in to remain zero latency.


Ralph (FabFilter)
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