FabFilter User Forum

Timeless 3 modulation not synced to Ableton transport?

Hi, I have a question - I just installed Timeless 3 into Ableton (11, Windows 10), and tried out the 'Chopsticks' preset which has a lot of audible modulation on it. The modulation appears to be tempo-synced, and according to the manual, this means it should follow 'song position' (transport) as well. However, I can see the modulation acting continuously on the plugin parameters regardless of play/stop state or song position. Much worse than that though is that that same effect is audible - since it does not start with the song start, the very rhythmic modulation is off beat in a bad way, and also unpredictable on each play.

Is there anything I might be doing wrong? How do I get it fully tempo-synced? I already looked in the modulation windows themselves for anything aside from the tempo-sync parameters (they are all set to '2' mainly, none to free).


It's neigh near impossible to hear or see with that specific preset as it's so glitchy, but when I make an empty preset, insert an XLFO, set it to sync, it will restart with the song position. Btw, using Live.
I think that preset has too much weirdness in it for its own good, and always sounds a tad off.

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