FabFilter User Forum

Timeless 3

Hi guys, really enjoying Timeless 3! If I may suggest two small (I hope..) feature requests. First for the taps functions to have a "space logarithmicly / exponentially" function - for bouncing ball type effects. And second, I noticed the input level only goes to -36 dB, which is fine for setting levels, but to -inf would be nice for dub type effects where you automate it to have delays say, only on the off beat.
Thanks for your time(less)!


Hi Bram,

Thanks for the compliments! I think we can easily add a logarithmic/exponential feature to the tap menu. For your second suggestion, why not automate the mix slider to fully dry/wet in this case?


Frederik (FabFilter)

Well, there are other ways around it. But using just the mix would result in the delay being fed continuously, and when you turn the mix up, you hear delays from the past as it were :)
With the input control down, the delay line is not fed until you turn it up, resulting in delays from just the moment you turn it up.
Imagine a kick on 1/4 and a snare on 2/4. When I turn the mix up at 2/4 I would hear decaying echos from the kick. Besides. If I turn it down again, all echos will be gone.
When I turn the input up (from -inf) at 2/4 I would just hear the echos from the snare. Besides I can turn it down again and let the echos decay naturally.

Of course it’s quite easy to work around this, ie by using a send. But I guess this would also be nice to modulate from within Timeless 3. And not mention it’s a convenience :)
Hope that’s clear :)

Oh and that’s great to hear, thanks!

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