FabFilter User Forum

Feature Request - UI's colors

Just small cosmetic feature request : The new UI of Saturn 2 and Timeless 3 are nice but very dark.
I liked more the previous ones, more colorful and clearer to read / use.
I'd really like an alternative color scheme that would be lighter / brighter.
If anybody joins me maybe add a +1 in tis topic and who knows, we might get heard at some point...


Personally, I'm fine with the UIs as they are but I still support the addition of alternative colour/brightness schemes.


Personalising things (ui's) is always nice!

..and can also be very uplifting.. and inspirational.

"Variety in the spice of life"



A slider to adjust brightness of the UI would be cool.


I am all in for more color! While I am very happy for the improvements in Saturn 2 and Timeless 3 compared to their predecessors, I am a bit sad that they have become darker with less colors.

I found the old color schemes more inspiring and this kind of inspiration means more than you might think in the creative zone!

The colors of Volcano makes me happy every time I open it!... ;-)

Sven Hedlund

Also Fab,

You are getting rid of so may knobs?

There were 15 (beautiful knobs) on Timeless 2, now there only 3.

Please don't loose a BIG part of why Fabfilter plugins are so visually appealing.

(I mentioned similar before with Saturn 2's frequency graphics (preferred the original).


(Legacy colours etc) - so to speak



Even if the "Vintage filters and creative effects" knobs were the same as the other ones (feedback n wet) - that would be great.

Have you changed your graphics designer?

These app/plugins deserve to stand out, as the previous versions did.




Thanks for the feedback! We didn't switch graphics designers... but our tastes have evolved in the ten years or so since Timeless 2 was first released. :) In general we got a lot of feedback that the bright interfaces of Timeless 2 or Volcano 2 are not so easy on the eyes for many people. Many DAWs also use a dark color scheme so it helps if the plug-in fits into that.

We did make a conscious decision to reduce the number of knobs to make the interface easier to understand. The main knobs are for delay time, feedback, and wet level, as we think those are the most important. Secondary settings are available as curved sliders. And for the FX knobs, we wanted to introduce a separate style to visualize their purpose... and also these act slightly differently since they have an integrated on/off button.

I hope you will come to appreciate our choices even though the plug-in looks different than v2.


Frederik (FabFilter)

I certainly appreciate your choices that make the plugin easier to use, but I would love to get some colors back! Would it be possible with skins/various color schemes for guys like me whose taste did not evolve the last ten years? ;-)

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