FabFilter User Forum

Q2 not reading the same as Cubase EQ

Hello, first post here. Not seeing anywhere to attach a screenshot, so I'll just try to explain. With a pink noise generator and nothing else in the signal chain, Q2 reads (spectrum analyzer) on a slant from -3db on the left to just over 0 on the right. Cubase EQ on the same channel reads 0db at the low end and -12db on the right. Anyone know what might be happening here? Shouldn't they both be dead flat? Thanks in advance for any help.


John Watkins

Pro-Q2 has an option to tilt the analyser, probably the Cubase one does not use a tilt. You can change the tilt of Pro-Q in the bottom bar under the Analyser header.
And pink noise should not be flat, it's flat to our hearing, not flat to the frequency spectrum. But... to adjust for that, Pro-Q allows you to tilt the analyser :)))
Hope this helps a bit!


That was it. Thanks so much!

John Watkins
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