FabFilter User Forum

Suggestion: Arrow Buttons for Style Dropdown Menu

Dear FabFilter-Team,

Firstly I want to thank you for your amazing software!

While working with almost all of your plugins I noticed how I was wishing for small arrows while using the „Style“ dropdown menus (f.e. in Pro-C2, Pro-L2 or Saturn 2).

When changing styles I often want to switch fastly through them to hear the differences against each other and the dropdown menu makes this act somewhat slower or tedious.

So that is it already :)

Thanks a lot and wish y’all good health


Additional info:

I am using Apple‘s trackpad instead of a mouse.

I just read that it is possible to scroll through with the mouse wheel and I guess I did scroll through once or twice with the scrolling function on the track pad.

Since this scrolling motion is not as controllable as it is on a mouse wheel, my suggestion still stands :)


Hi Andreas,

You can indeed scroll through different styles in Saturn 2, Pro-L 2 or Pro-C 2 with your scroll wheel of a mouse or with a track pad. It's not very likely we will add any buttons for this, as this would clutter up the GUI too much. We've tested this function excessively, and we've found it to work very well with both regular mouses and trackpads. Maybe there are some settings of your trackpad you can adjust to make this more easy?


Ralph (FabFilter)


If the menu(s) on "ALL" FF plugin's could stay open whilst we audition them - and only close when we tap outside the drop-down(s), that would help immensely!

I'm sure I have requested this before..


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