FabFilter User Forum

Oversampling / CPU power


I have a question relating to increased CPU usage due to oversampling.

I'm 'mastering' a compilation album for a friend in DSP Quattro, and have stuck Pro L2 at the end of the chain for each of the 16 tracks. I've set oversampling to 4x, with gain reduction max 1.5 - 2 dB. I realise this could be more of a Quattro question, but bearing CPU usage in mind, am I safe to render all tracks in one go, or should I export each one in turn, enabling the plugin only on the current track?



Jez Butler

If you are rendering to a file, it shouldn't matter what the CPU usage is. Otherwise, for "live" rendering, I'd say try it and you will see if it's too high. :)


Frederik (FabFilter)

Thanks Frederik - very useful! Btw, are you aware of a good way to check peaks offline. I used to do this in Waveburner, which no longer exists. It'd be great not to have to run through a track in real time each time I make a slight tweak.


Jez Butler

Hey Jez, check out the Youlean loudness meter, it’s cheap and has a standalone app for offline analysis.


Thanks Sergey - will check this out!

Jez Butler
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